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10 Reasons Why Parents Need Community

Parents need communities, too. We need support, encouragement, and understanding friends who can offer the same love and care that children need from their parents. At the same time, we need our independence and adult selves to help raise our children. Parents need community because we need support, encouragement, and understanding friends who can offer the same kind of love and care that children need from their parents. At the same time, we need our independence and adult selves to help raise our children.

We Are Human

It can be hard to ask for help, but it is essential for parenting. We are human and need the support that comes with being a community member.

We Need Support

As adults, we often don’t get the emotional support we desire because of our jobs, responsibilities, and commitments. Parents in a community can offer that kind of support to one another. When you need someone to talk to about your child's latest setback or accomplishment, there is always someone who will listen and provide encouragement.

We Need Encouragement

We need encouragement from other adults because there are many challenges in parenting. We all have to raise our children a certain way, which only parents can do. But for every situation, there are different ways of doing it. When we have someone who has gone through the same experience, they can offer encouragement and support. They’ve been there before, so they know what it’s like when you feel like giving up or getting frustrated with your child. We also need the encouragement of other adults because of the many challenges in parenting. For example: - You might be struggling financially and don't know how you'll be able to afford that new toy your child wanted for Christmas - You might not be able to buy them everything they want because you're tired after working all day - Your son or daughter may not want anything to do with you anymore because they're going through a difficult time.

We Need Understanding Friends

As parents, we often feel misunderstood. We are constantly met with judgment and criticism for the decisions we make. That's why it is so essential to have understanding friends who will listen without judgment, offer advice in a caring way, and provide different perspectives on our parenting journey. When you find that friend truly understanding and supportive of your parenting choices, they will be your greatest ally on this journey. They'll get you through the hard days because they'll be there to listen when you need to vent or need a hug.

Let's Talk:

We are all human. It's important to know that you are not alone in this journey. We need community. Community is essential in the raising of our children and our personal growth raising. The community can be found in many places - whether the moms at your children's school or the moms on your street.


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